Béchamel lives for cuddles

Aug 8, 2022 | Success Stories

In her new life with Liz and Simon, Béchamel has really landed on her feet – or, alternatively, in roach position, depending on her mood.

Equally fond of running and resting, Béchamel seems to have two speeds. “She loves to nap with her little emu toy in her sloth mode, but once at the park, she loves running around with other doggos (who struggle to keep up) and have a sniffari,” her new parents say.

Béchamel, or Béchy for short, happily accepts cuddles from anyone that will give her a pat and let her snuggle. And Liz says her work in healthcare offers plenty of opportunities for this.

“She loves sitting on the couch with patients at work for endless cuddles and pats. She has accidentally made an excellent therapy dog.”

She’s just as gentle with her fellow dogs, too. And while she got on well with the other hounds at Greysland, Liz and Simon say: “We believe she thinks she is a small dog – her friends include a neighbourhood Pomeranian, mini foxy and little cavoodles.”

Liz and Simon have savoured the opportunity to ease Bechamel into life as a pet, gradually introducing an array of treats, accessories and outings she’d previously never known.

“Béchamel recently discovered a real affection for blankets and puppacinos at our local cafe. She has an excellent selection of jumpers and even a Hawaiian shirt. She loves going to the beach in warmer weather and doing zoomies with her furry friends at the dog park. She has even received jumpers and treats from her grandpawrents, and last Christmas received more gifts than we did.”

Like many dogs, Béchamel was initially apprehensive being left alone, but Simon and Liz have put in plenty of effort and invested in enrichment activities to help her. “We’ve worked together on getting her feeling more confident about being independent. She loves her toy basket, lickimat and destroying empty toilet rolls to find treats.”

They encourage everyone – even those in a small house or apartment – to consider welcoming a hound into their home. “If you are thinking of adopting a greyhound, they make an excellent small-home doggo. They love to curl up and cuddle and are exceedingly lazy, except for the occasional zoomie at a park or in a yard. They provide excellent cuddles and unconditional love.

“Béchamel has fit extremely well into our home and work families. We are extremely proud pawrents.”

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