Those of us who have adopted a greyhound know the joy these placid and loving creatures bring to our lives. For anyone not familiar with this enchanting breed, here are nine great reasons to adopt a greyhound.

1. They’re incredibly affectionate
Greyhounds are resilient dogs with so much love to give to their humans. Known for their gentle and affectionate nature, they are loyal companions who thrive on human interaction. Once you establish trust with your new companion, they are keen to please and are quite intelligent.
2. Minimal exercise needs
It’s a common misconception that greyhounds are a high energy dog. Greyhounds are super speedy, but they generally aren’t built for endurance. Most hounds only need a half hour walk a day.
3. They make great apartment dogs
Despite their size, greyhounds are adaptable and many do well in smaller living spaces. Part of our matching process is about considering whether each hound is suitable for apartment life.
4. They’re the best kind of couch potato
For most greyhounds, their favourite thing to do is to chill out on the couch with their human. So if you’re looking for a laid-back snuggle muffin who wants to spend the day bingeing Netflix with you, the greyhound may just be the perfect breed for you.
5. They are great family dogs
Greyhounds have a sensitive and gentle nature making them a great dog for the family. Many do very well with children, and like any breed, if children are respectful of a hound’s space they can have a great relationship. Through our efficient matching and kid-testing process we will match you with a hound that will thrive in your home.
6. Low maintenance
Greyhounds have short, easy-to-care-for coats that need little grooming. We’ve out together some information on their requirements here.
7. Experience all their firsts
When you get a puppy, you get to experience everything with them for the first time. Greyhounds have spent a number of years of their lives not being able to experience what other pets do, which makes it all the more special watching them experience things for the first time. And when you help them learn something new, it is incredibly rewarding.
8. Endless support from the greyhound community
You’ll often hear one of the great things about adopting a hound is the people you meet. Greyhound owners are incredibly passionate people, and when you adopt a hound you are also meeting a wonderful community of people who want to see you and your hound thrive.
9. You’ll be giving a pooch a second chance in the midst of a rehoming crisis
Shelters around the country are currently overflowing with dogs waiting for homes, an issue not isolated to greyhounds. By adopting from a rescue centre, you are doing a great thing for that pooch and freeing up much-needed space for another.
Greyhounds make wonderful pets, and with a little time and patience you won’t be able to imagine your life without one!
For more information on adopting a greyhound, click here.