Grooming your Greyhound

Sep 26, 2023 | Greyhound care

By now you know that greyhounds are majestic, magical and wholly unique creatures. Grooming these magnificent noodles is not only about highlighting their stunning aesthetics, but ensuring their overall health and wellbeing. Here are a few tips and tricks to start you on your grooming journey.


A greyhound’s coat is sleek and short because they lack an undercoat. This may give the impression that minimal grooming is required, however, a hounds coat deserves special attention to maintain its glossy shine. Brushing your greyhound at least once a week helps to remove loose hair. A ZoomGroom is a fantastic and effective way to remove loose hair, reduce shedding and distribute the natural oils across their coat. During shedding seasons you might want to brush them more frequently to manage their coat, however we find this to be an added bonus, as brushing is a lovely, gentle way to connect with your pup and strengthen your bond.


Unlike some other breeds, greyhounds do not require frequent baths. In fact, bathing them too often can dry out their skin. Aim for a bath once or twice a year (or as needed) as over-bathing can lead to skin irritation and an imbalance in their coat’s natural oils. When you bathe them, opt for mild, hypoallergenic shampoos and conditioners such as the Aloveen Starter Pack specifically designed for houndies skin. In between baths you can wipe down your dog’s coat with a damp cloth to keep it clean.

Nail Care

Grooming isn’t just about the coat; it also involves nail care and ear cleaning. Trim your greyhound’s nails regularly (so they’re not touching the floor) to prevent discomfort and potential joint issues. This can be a little scary at first as you don’t want to clip too much, but there are manual and electric clippers with guides that you can use. If your hound has long quicks, you won’t be able to trim the nails in one go without drawing blood. Trimming a small amount regularly will help the quick to recede. If you’re uncertain about nail trimming, consider going to a professional groomer or veterinarian.

Ear Cleaning

Ear cleaning is essential, especially for floppy-eared greyhounds prone to ear infections. Gently clean their ears using baby wipes or cotton balls, but be cautious not to insert anything deep into the ear canal.


While you may need to get your houndies teeth professionally cleaned from time to time, you can help prevent the buildup of plaque (and stinky breath!) by brushing their teeth with dog specific toothpaste and brushes, or through daily dental treats such as Greenies.

Additional Tips:
  • Diet Matters: A nutritious diet directly contributes to the health of your greyhound’s coat. Consider adding sardines into their diet once a week to help prevent dry skin and maintain a glossy coat.
  • Bald thighs: If your hound has bald thigh syndrome, consider adding a small amount of cooked oats to their diet. While this isn’t a one-stop-shop cure, it can assist with hair regrowth by adding niacin and thiamine into their diets.
  • Sun Protection: Greyhounds have thin coats, making them susceptible to sunburn. Apply pet-safe sunscreen to exposed areas when spending time outdoors.
  • Winter Jumpers: Because greyhounds don’t have an undercoat, they can get cold in winter! Consider investing in a cozy dog coat or sweater to keep them warm (and fashionable) during colder weather.
  • Regular Checkups: Regular visits to the veterinarian can help identify any underlying skin or coat issues early on.

Grooming a greyhound goes beyond mere aesthetics; it’s a practice that nurtures your dog’s well-being. By choosing the right products and maintaining a regular grooming routine, you can ensure that your greyhound’s outsides reflect their gorgeous insides. 

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