Tips To Get Your Greyhound To Swallow Their Tablets

Jun 20, 2023 | Greyhound care

Can your greyhound sniff out their medication a mile away? Some hounds will swallow their meds without a worry. Other hounds will lick their dinner bowl clean and leave their one tiny tablet behind time and again! We’ve asked our community to share their tips for getting their hounds to swallow their tablets. 

Here are some of their tried and tested methods: 

  • Coat the tablet in cream cheese, and cover the cheese with two pieces of chicken. Hot tip, make sure there is enough chicken coverage to hide the tablet. 
  • Coat it with peanut butter – as always please make sure your peanut butter is xylitol free (it’s very dangerous for our pooches)!
  • Slightly melt a small square of sliced cheese, just enough so it will cover and stick to your hound’s tablet. It makes for a delicious treat and will make it harder for them to separate the tablet from the cheese. 
  • Break the tablets up into smaller pieces, where suitable.
  • Feed it to your hound coated in a yummy treat before dinner when they’re especially hungry. 
  • Other delicious options are chicken nuggets, minced meat, even a mix of yoghurt and cheese.
  • Try the ‘bait and switch’ method! Using cheese as an example, give them a couple of pieces without the tablet, switch in the option with the tablet, followed by another piece without. Make it exciting, and your hound won’t even notice. 

Make sure you’re always following your vet’s instructions when it comes to dosage, with or without meals etc. If you’ve tried all of the above and you still can’t get your hound to take their meds, it’s worth checking in with your vet to discuss other options. 

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