Jennifer has been a Greyhound Rescue volunteer for over a year, working with our home visit team. Read on to hear her volunteering journey.
Drax The Charmer
Full of charisma, an aptitude for naps (naptitude) and charm, Drax and Imogen are the perfect pairing. Read all about their first year together.
Preparing for your greyhound’s first walk
Greyhound Rescue recommends waiting 14 days before taking your hound on a walk when they first arrive in their new home. When the time does come for your first walk, it’s important to be prepared. Arm yourself with the tools necessary to make it the most enjoyable experience possible for both you and your hound.
Meet Elsie: The Lazy House Cat in a Giant Dog’s Body
From kennel kid to couch potato, Elsie’s adoption journey is a testament to love, patience and trust.
Grooming your Greyhound
By now you know that greyhounds are majestic, magical and wholly unique creatures. Grooming these magnificent noodles is not only about highlighting their stunning aesthetics, but ensuring their overall health and wellbeing. Here are a few tips and tricks to start you on your grooming journey.
Meet our Volunteers – Lex
Lex has been a Greyhound Rescue volunteer since 2017. Read on to hear why she started volunteering, and why it has become such an important part of her life.
Why not help a hound of your own?
Rehoming organisation number: R251000042