Pudding, the sweetest dog

Feb 24, 2022 | Success Stories

“We adopted Pudding 6 months ago and we immediately fell in love with him. A very patient and chilled boy, Pudding honours his name as he is “as sweet as a pudding“.

He quickly learned a lot of things, including Spanish words like:

  • Vamos! (“let’s go”)
  • A comer! (“let’s eat”)
  • Despacito (“be gentle”)

He associates the car with fun and long walks. We can’t leave the door car open because he will jump into it and wait for you to take him somewhere. Although he is still learning how to socialize with other dogs (especially small ones), he already has a bunch of besties that he loves playing with.

Greyhounds are incredible dogs and if you give them a second chance at a happy life, they will change your life forever!”

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