With his grey-speckled muzzle (just like George Clooney!) Bigsby is a total heart throb. Adopted in June 2020, Bigsby (formerly Crow) has taken pet life in his stride. Hear what his lovely mum Hannah has to say about the last six months of Bigsby:
“After a bit of training and a lot of love, Bigsby is the silliest and most gentle giant we could have hoped for! He was already pretty laid back when we adopted him but six months later, he is completely settled into apartment life. We are lucky if we get a greeting in the morning and usually wake up to an upside-down dog with his tongue out.
Don’t get me wrong, he is very curious and playful and absolutely loves walkies, playing fetch and meeting other dogs of all shapes and sizes, but he is also a very talented roach.
Watching him come out of his shell and show his silly, cuddly and laid back personality has been a hilarious delight.

We are forever indebted to Greyhound Rescue for taking the time to match us with the perfect hound and for the ongoing support and guidance, we feel like we have not only adopted an incredible dog but also become a part of a wonderful community.
If you’re thinking of getting a grey, make sure you are ready for the responsibility and invest some time and energy to get them settled into their new life, they are one hundred per cent worth it and truly the most amazing kind of dog.”
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