Pippa’s Tale

Jul 15, 2019 | Success Stories

Hi, my name is Pippa.

After spending some time chasing a “thing” at a racetrack I was given away to someone. I don’t really know why. I then went to a foster home for a while, not sure how long, and from there I was handed to Greyhound Rescue in the wonderful care of Peter and Janet, to be looked after until someone applied to adopt me. I was there for a little while and then a lady and man came to have a look at me. We went for a walk and after the walk they must have agreed to adopt me because a week later they came back. Off I went in their car after saying goodbye to Peter and Janet and the other greyhounds.

We arrived at this strange house with a nice yard and covered area. Inside there was a lovely bed waiting for me and some toys. I was ever so nervous. The lady seemed very comfortable and loving towards me but the man was a bit apprehensive. However, that did not last long as I am so cute and wonderful! It was very wet the first week or so, so it was a bit hard settling in with toileting, not quite sure where to go. The man and the lady helped me sort that out and before long all was well with maybe just a little accident again once or twice.

The food was good, treats very good and before long the nerves settled and I was very much at home with Ma and Pa or one could say “I have taken over the house!”. It became necessary for Pa to install some “toddler” gates as I was a bit too inquisitive one day and in Ma’s sewing room destroyed one or two of her special sewing patterns, and several balls of wool. Oh dear, I was not very popular at all (but only briefly because of my absolute charm).

Some very good walks happened but not for too long as I just got far too tired and then all I did was sleep and sleep.

I know for sure I have found my forever home much loved by Ma and Pa and their extended family, friends and neighbours. One of my neighbours, a little girl called Georgia gave me one of her favourite soft toys to take to bed. The other children quite often visit for a “Pippa” pat.

There is just one problem: I am not allowed on the “couch” as I am told I have two other comfy beds to lie on. Oh well, can’t have everything I guess!

So it is for sure I have found my forever home with Ma and Pa and I just hope that all my greyhound friends shall spend their life as I do.

It is now April 2017 and I have been in this wonderful forever home now for about 2 ½ years.

I studied very hard for my green collar and passed with flying colours as I really hated the muzzle thing. I don’t really understand why I had to wear one and also my other greyhound friends who are yet to pass their test as we are so calm and loving and would never hurt anyone.

However, I have progressed somewhat. I have a 5 star rated bed in 3 rooms in the downstairs of the house with lots of pillows and a lovely bed in Ma and Pa’s bedroom which it took some time to convince them of my need for this. (But I am still working on the bed – I only sneak there when they are out and they forget to shut the door).

I am now 7 ½ and after a “reasonable” walk I am quite happy to curl up and snooze for a few hours. Completely spoilt I am as I have 2 new coats waiting for the weather to be a bit chilly, even one to support the family soccer club (the Wakehurst Tigers!).

Extended family still show me much love and I get so very excited when I see them coming.

My last comment for now is that guess what? I have made it onto the couch with covers and pillows and it is oh so comfy (I knew I would get there sooner or later!!!)

It is now July 2019 and I will be turning 10 on 1 December!

I am still being spoilt with yummy steamed chicken and veg and lots of treats, lots of cuddles, ear rubs and pats. I sleep a lot and don’t go for walks as much as I used to as my Ma and Pa have a few mobility issues. I love going in the car with them so that is OK. However, a lovely person from our street named Georgia who gave me one of her toys when I first arrived now comes and takes me for a walk twice a week.

Then a few weeks ago another lovely lady named Vanessa and her grey named Dotty came to visit and we now go for lovely walks together sometimes, so now Dotty and I are friends.

So I wanted to say I was a lucky one who found a forever home as has my friend Dotty, always warm, never hungry and much loved.

I wish that all the greys find their forever homes one day.

Pippa Coleman

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