Go in the draw to win the original artwork ‘Nood Descending a Staircase’, by a Greyhound named ‘Chick’ and signed by the legend Bill Bailey. With every $25 you donate, you can nominate the painting as your ‘perk’.

Go in the draw to win the original artwork ‘Nood Descending a Staircase’, by a Greyhound named ‘Chick’ and signed by the legend Bill Bailey. With every $25 you donate, you can nominate the painting as your ‘perk’.
We are undertaking the massive task of building our Noodle Hub, and that’s where we need your help! It is a modest building by any standard – a 240 sqm shed – but for Greyhound Rescue it’s an ambitious and important project. We need your help to make the Noodle Hub a reality.
Pei Xiang Deacon has generously donated her portrait of a greyhound, “Shut Down”, to Greyhound Rescue. The portrait will be auctioned online, with all proceeds going towards the rescue and rehabilitation of greyhounds.
Foster greyhound Egg was a work in progress for carer Ross, but it was worth it to see Egg come out of his shell.
It is important to give your hound a balanced and healthy diet, but what does that look like? Here is our guide to what to feed your rescue greyhound to keep them healthy and happy.
It’s that time of year again! We’re calling on all houndies and their owners to put their best paw forward and submit their finest photos for a chance to be featured in the Greyhound Rescue Australia 2022 Calendar. Submitting photos is easy – pull together your...
Rehoming organisation number: R251000042