‘Nood Descending a Staircase’, is an original artwork created by a Greyhound named ‘Chick’, after a game of football and a bowl of noodles with the legendary Bill Bailey.
The painting was autographed by Mr Bailey at the State Theatre Sydney on 9 November 2022.
Bill Bailey is a British comedian and phenomenally-talented musician loved by millions around the world for his live shows, and his starring role as ‘Manny’ in ‘Black Books’. He is passionate about the plight of rescue animals, and has many of his own at his home in London. In October 2022, he visited Greyhound Rescue’s Rehabilitation and Rehoming centre ‘Greysland’ just outside Sydney, where he spent quality time with some of our current and former kennel kids.
With every $25 you donate, you can nominate a chance to win the painting as your ‘perk’. Choose up to 10 perks in one go, and enter as many times as you want. The winner will be drawn on 17 December, 2022 at 5pm AEDST

Greyhound Artwork Raffle 2022 – Terms and Conditions
· There will be one draw for the prize of an artwork created by Greyhound Rescue, titled ‘Nood Descending a Staircase’, which has been autographed by Bill Bailey, valued at approximately $1000
· The prize winner is entitled to physical ownership of the artwork only – the prize winner obtains no rights to any intellectual property associated with the prize, including rights to digital copies of the artwork, moral rights and copyright. Greyhound Rescue retains sole ownership of all such rights.
· Upon donating at least $25 to Greyhound Rescue, entrants may elect to receive one ticket in the raffle as their donation ‘perk’ (a selection of tokens of thanks from Greyhound Rescue). For every increment of a $25 donation, entrants can elect to receive additional raffle tickets – e.g. an entrant making a $100 donation may elect to receive 4 raffle tickets. Entrants are not restricted or limited to the number of raffle tickets which may be received via this way.
· Entries for the raffle will commence on 17 Nov and conclude on 17 December 2022 at 5pm Australian Eastern Daylight Savings Time.
· Entrants need not be present to win. Prize cannot be transferred or redeemed for cash.
· The draw for the prize will take place on 17 December 2022 at 5pm AEDST, at Lane Cove. The raffle is conducted in accordance with the laws of New South Wales, Australia by Greyhound Rescue Incorporated ABN 89 282 387 425 (a registered charity).
· If the winner is under the age of 18 years the prize will be awarded to their parent or legal guardian.
· Winner will be notified by phone or email within 7 days of the draw. Greyhound Rescue will determine delivery method of the prize, including bearing any costs associated with delivery.
· All dollar amounts and prize values are in Australian dollars.
· Greyhound Rescue is not liable for any loss or damage whatsoever which is suffered (including but not limited to direct or consequential loss) or sustained in connection with the raffle or the prize, except for any liability which cannot be excluded by law.
· Greyhound Rescue will make all reasonable efforts to locate the winner and deliver the prize. If the prize remains unclaimed Greyhound Rescue will deal with the prize in accordance with the law.
· By entering the raffle you allow Greyhound Rescue to contact you about news, events and general information in relation to the organisation. You may unsubscribe at any time.