Learning to do stairs

Aug 3, 2021 | Training

Many greyhounds have never encountered stairs before. Other dogs learn this skill as a puppy when they are fool-hardy and fearless. When considering how big of a challenge this is for a greyhound think about the fact that they are very front-heavy with their deep chests.  

If you are at the top of a staircase, bring yourself down to the hound’s level. Chances are that you can’t see the bottom. It’s a big leap of faith to follow someone you don’t know well into the unknown. 

If possible wait to try stairs once you’ve got to know each other. They’ll find going up is easier than going down. Give them some positive reinforcement, and by literally taking it one step at a time – they’ll work it out. 

Using treats to lure them is another great tool, and literally taking a single step at a time. If they can put one foot on one step and get a $100 paycheque in the form of some tasty snacks then they’ll want to do more. Keep sessions short and always end on a positive.  

If they’re really not getting it, you can use a towel as a sling under their belly to support them as you walk alongside, or try having someone at the top/bottom of the stairs with a favourite squeaky toy being very excited to play with it- their curiosity may get the better of them.  

Take it easy, make stairs fun, and they’ll handle it well in no time! 

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