When Zahra (formerly known as Malakeh) arrived at Greyhound Rescue, we were blown away by her beauty – her silvery-blue fur and her big, deep brown eyes won the vollies over in approximately 0.75 seconds.

It wasn’t long before we discovered her good looks were accompanied by an inquisitive and cheeky personality. A week or so prior to her heading off on her trial adoption, Zahra managed to get her paws on a glove which she promptly ate! A trip to the vet hospital and this gorgeous girl was back and ready to meet her furever parents.
Ten months have passed since Zahra trotted off into the sunset with her furever parents, Steph and Ryan, and from the sounds of things, it took them even less time to fall completely in love with this gorgeous girl.
“She’s happiest being around us and we couldn’t imagine our life without her!”
“She’s very quirky – overly confident, highly inquisitive and always keen to check thigs out with her nose. She thinks she’s the size of a small dachshund and loves to find and make friends with the tiniest dogs at the park.
Zahra loves to do zoomies, especially when her pawrents get home from work. “She slides around on the lounge room rug and scatters her toys across the floor!”
Like many greyhounds no longer wanted by the racing industry, there were lots of things for Zahra to learn when she moved in with her new family.
“The first time we turned on the television, she freaked out because she couldn’t figure out where the new people were coming from. With baby steps and lots of patience, she has gotten completely used to the telly and is not often found asleep in her favourite place – on the rug right in front of the TV!”
“Her sense of adventure and inquisitive nature never ceases to amaze us. She loves exploring new places, riding in the car and (after multiple attempts at trying to jump on before she was allowed) we’ve recently permitted her to join us on our boat – where she generally sleeps for the entire trip!”
“We would highly recommend adopting a greyhound!”
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