Handsome and dapper, we always knew Arthur the rescue greyhound would win hearts at the drop of a hat. And he certainly has not disappointed, winning over Wendy and her family with his happy, easy-going nature and dazzling good looks!
Read on for Wendy’s account of what eight-months of Arthur has been like:
“We have had a wonderful six months with Arthur – the whole family loves him to pieces. He is extremely easy going, patient and forgiving and he very quickly adjusted to our home.
Arthur happily takes himself outside for a wander or a loo pit stop and has been extremely respectful of our garden. He also sleeps really well and is very settled at night.
Being a big boy, it was a team effort and took a while to settle with his walking. Weighing 35kgs meant a ‘freeze’ anywhere required car transport home! I’m sure a lot of neighbours were puzzled and amused by our escapades. He now looks forward to twice daily walks which everyone in the family shares.
Out on walks, he wags his tail and happily greets passing dogs. He walks super well on the lead and has even been to the St Ives dog exercise area a few times – we always select the small enclosures so he can be by himself.
We speak to many people who are inquisitive about Greyhounds when we are out and about. Arthur is a fantastic ‘poster boy’ as he is so well behaved and gentle. My daughter even has an Instagram account for him – @greyhoundarthur!
If you are considering adopting a greyhound, do your research. Talk to owners and a vet, join social media groups and have a long, hard think about the responsibility. Patience is vital!
The volunteers at Greyhound Rescue went above and beyond to aid our journey to greyhound adoption. Numerous informative phone calls to ensure we were the right ‘fit’ for a rescued grey as well as a home visit to advise on our home’s suitability were part of the process.
When we finally received the call that a suitable grey had been rescued, he was perfect. It’s a very different process to buying a dog from a breeder or pet shop but ultimately more rewarding.
Thank you so much to Greyhound Rescue for pairing us with our boy. It’s a match made in heaven!”
Thinking of greyhound adoption? Read more about our process here. Wish you could adopt a greyhound but can’t right now? Why not become a sponsor!