
Pie’s New Crew

Pie’s New Crew

Eating, sleeping and making new friends is the name of the game for Piemur, Pie for short. Known as Zane while at Greysland, Pie now lives with Jess and her two Moodles, with frequent visits from their two family Dachshunds as well.

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Greyt Masters: Accession

Greyt Masters: Accession

Our latest collection, “Greyt Masters: Accession,” is a poignant exploration of self-discovery and identity. Drawing from the depths of their experiences, these artworks lay bare a world stripped of inhibition, inviting viewers to contemplate the boundless essence of existence.

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Zuma Zooms Into Hearts Everywhere

Zuma Zooms Into Hearts Everywhere

Remember those gorgeous little unicorns, also known as puppies, that arrived at Greysland just over a year ago? Well those puppies are now charismatic teens, and Zuma, (formerly known as Brit) is still a bundle of fun. She is happily living life with her dad Thomas, one of our amazing volunteers, partner Shane and two Dachshund siblings. 

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