The charming Mina may look familiar – if a little taller, Amanda and family adopted Mina from Greyhound Rescue as a puppy. And while the first year with Mina may have been a little chaotic at times, they love having her as part of their crew.
Holly’s New Home
It’s been just over a year since Holly found her forever home with GR volunteer Charlotte and Gregor. They say Holly has had such a positive impact on their lives.
A Greyt Kind of Teddy
Teddy found his forever home with Anna, her partner and two young children. Read his success story.
PetO Opening!
Join us on Saturday June 15th at PetO Marrickville’s Grand Opening Party!
Pie’s New Crew
Eating, sleeping and making new friends is the name of the game for Piemur, Pie for short. Known as Zane while at Greysland, Pie now lives with Jess and her two Moodles, with frequent visits from their two family Dachshunds as well.
Recall Training: How to Ensure Your Hound Comes When Called
Recall is one of the most important things you can teach your hound. As well as being an essential skill for the everyday, it could one day prove to be a lifesaver in a dangerous situation.
Why not help a hound of your own?
Rehoming organisation number: R251000042