The beautiful Finnigan started displaying signs of separation distress early in his journey into pet life with Taegan. Just over six months later Finnigan is making incredible improvements. Read on for a heartwarming story of love, perseverance and patience.
7 ideas for when you can’t walk your hound
There are many reasons why people may not be able to walk their hound. It’s not mandatory to go on one! Here are some ideas for keeping your hound healthy and happy without being able to take them for a walk.
Greyhound Glossary: Part Two
Welcome to part two of our greyhound glossary. This week, it’s all about the gram! We’ve explained some of the most common terms used by our community below.
The Fabulous Franky
The fabulous Franky didn’t have a name for the first three years of his life. Now he has a name and a loving family of his own.
What type of dog bed should I get for my greyhound?
When considering what type of dog bed to buy, there is ample choice available. Here are five tips to consider before buying a bed for your pup.
Greyhound Glossary: Part One
We greyhound owners are a fun and friendly bunch, so much so we have created our own vocabulary! Here are some common greyhound terms.
Why not help a hound of your own?
Rehoming organisation number: R251000042