Baby Bodhi All Grown Up

Jul 17, 2024 | Success Stories

Bodhi is a term used in Sanskrit and Pāli, meaning ‘awakening’ and ‘enlightenment’. Pawrents Sue and Randal think it’s the perfect name for this beautiful boy.

Adopted from Greyhound Rescue as a puppy, Sue says Bodhi is a real character, “funny and loving and playful”. And that he has fit into their family like a glove.

“He’s our third rescue grey and the first puppy we’ve ever had the pleasure of sharing our lives with. He sticks to me like glue and seems to enjoy everything we do together,” says Sue.

“He loves everyone and every dog he meets which makes life pretty cruisy. He goes to doggy daycare every Friday so he can socialize with other dogs and run off lead. His favourite activity is playing in the splash park with his buddies Maggie and Zappa.”

When Bodhi and his litter mates were rescued by Greyhound Rescue, they hadn’t had the best start in life and were need in of some extra special care. Sue says Bodhi received the extra nutritional support he needed and is now thriving.

Sue says that Bodhi does have a strong will at times, and a training session with Monika from Understanding Canine really helped in providing them with some useful training tools. 

“He doesn’t always want to do what you ask him and will tell you by answering back. Although that’s funny and cute I persist until he ends up agreeing with me to get that special treat. Fun is the key to this!”

Clever boy Bodhi has also been to puppy school and knows how to sit, drop, shake his paw and play touch.

“He loves chasing ice cubes around his water bowl, chasing his chuckit ball and cuddling up with us on the sofa.”

He’s so funny the way he gets it into his head that he’s going to steal something (anything!) to get our attention. He’ll steal a slipper, shoe, toothbrush, toilet brush anything he can reach which is most things now and prance around with it… I always use a trade up as positive reinforcement.”

Sue found the Greyhound Rescue adoption team was always available to offer assistance when needed.

And if you’re wondering whether a greyhound is right for you? Sue says “you’ll never look back and it’ll be hard to stop at one! You might need a bigger car and another sofa. You’ll fall in love with all their quirks, like roaching, chattering and leaning. You’ll love that they don’t have that doggy smell and don’t shed much.”

“Retired or rescued greyhounds deserve a loving home as they’re sensitive souls with a lot of love to give.” 

Sue also says they are completely trainable when the rewards are there, Bodhi being the perfect example. 

Is there a hound shaped hole in your life? Head over to read about our Kennel Kids currently waiting to find their forever home. 

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