Greyhound Glossary: Part Two

Apr 21, 2023 | Fun

Welcome to part two of our greyhound glossary. This week, it’s all about the gram! Instagram can be a confusing place sometimes, when we hound lovers use our own vocabulary. We’ve explained some of the most common terms used by our wonderful community below.

Greyhound smiling into camera

Chimken: BBQ or boiled chicken used for treatos 

Pawthorities and Pawlice: The ones you call when your hoomans have committed atrocities against you e.g a bath, late for walkies or dinner.

Borking, or ‘to bork’: Barking

Treatos: Treats or snacks 

You hab, you gib: A greyhound’s life motto 

Henlo / Hemlo: Hello

Hooman, hoomum, hoodad: Humans, mum and dad, generally all adorers of their greyhounds!

Snootermodel: Any greyhound, particularly when wearing clothes and / or looking pensive.

Yam: I / Me

Holibobs: Holidays

Zoomies: A sudden burst of excitement from our hounds. These moments usually begin with an incredibly cute goofy grin, before engaging in ‘zoomies’, and running madly at speed for a few seconds. This is usually followed by a nice, long sleep. These occasions often come at quite the surprise to their hoomans.

Zorsted: Exhausted

Sky Raisins: Flies

Catto / Cade: Cat

Yappy Hour: Drinks at a hound friendly brewery post snooter stroll.

Spikey Bush Club!: An exclusive club our greyhounds all want to be part of. We can’t explain why but our houndies are drawn to low, spikey bushes to do their business like bees to a honeypot.

Snoot: Snout / Nose

Boop the Snoot: To touch the end of the snoot

Glop / Glopping: When your hound decides to lick himself clean, loudly. Most often a half hour before your alarm is meant to go off.

Teefs / Teefers: Teeth

If you haven’t yet read part one of our greyhound glossary, you can find it by clicking here.

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