Kaiser found his forever home with Hannah and Bethany. A confident boy who loves his adventures, Kaiser fit in with his new family so well it’s as if he’s always been there.

“Kaiser has fit into our family seamlessly,” pawrents Hannah and Bethany say. “We really feel he understands this is his forever home now.”
“He loves being together with both his mums the best and we are very grateful that neither of us seem to be the ‘spare human’ so far! He has become so relaxed and has been roaching hours on end all the time recently! His grandparents have recently moved to Australia from the UK and he has enjoyed us all hanging out as one big family.”
“Kaiser loves nothing more than going somewhere new with his mums and getting to explore new places,” Hannah and Bethany say. “The minute he is somewhere with new bushes to sniff and people to meet, he does his happy hoppity-hops and his tail is wagging as hard as can be.”
“We took him to special greyhound training class where he learnt a lot of different skills for being a pet and he absolutely loved it! He loves to learn new things and was very cross when he wasn’t chosen by the trainer for demonstrations – and he let us know about it!”
Most of all, Hannah and Bethany say, he loved the opportunity to run around and make friends with the other greys in his class.
Kaiser’s love for adventures means he is constantly trying new things, and he certainly makes his mums laugh as he learns about everything from ice cubes to waves.
“Now the weather is getting hotter, we’ve introduced Kaiser to ice cubes and it is hilarious! He was so surprised at how unexpectedly the ice cube behaves, flying across the room and out of his mouth! He played with it like he was a 2-month-old puppy! Now when we give him ice cubes, he sometimes eats them, but he always plays with them first.”

And on his first trip to the beach, Hannah and Bethany say the waves gave him quite a surprise!
“He waded out into the surf and was very surprised when a wave came in and the cold water jumped up from ankle height to thigh-height,” they laugh. “He really wasn’t too sure about all of this, but he did love running and playing on the sand. After all that running he got a bit thirsty and waded in to drink some of the water – instant regret! Another surprise!”
“Greyhound Rescue are so brilliant. The website is full of helpful resources and the support we received from them throughout the whole process was amazing. We felt very prepared when it was finally time to bring home our boy. We know it can take some time to be matched but GR take so much care to match the right dog with the right family that you can feel confident that the dog they choose will be the perfect dog for you.”
“The best piece of advice I think we were given by GR was to never go near when he is on his bed so that he has a safe space that is all his own, where he knew nobody would ever come. It enabled him to have his own boundaries while he got to know us and really helped him adjust very quickly to life at home with us.”

“If you’re thinking of adopting a greyhound… absolutely go for it! They make such beautiful pets and you will never regret rescuing a grey even for a second. But however big your sofa is, you’ll need a bigger one!”
You can follow Kaiser’s adventures via his Instagram here @kaiser.the.greyt