Perfect Percy

Aug 20, 2024 | Success Stories

Gentle. Quirky. Friendly and Playful. Pawrents Priya & Chris say their beloved Percy is all of the above and more. 

Formerly known as Hasham, Kennel Kid Percy is living his best life in his new home. From snacking on croissants during his morning walk to lapping up attention from passers-by, Percy has well and truly learnt how great pet life can be.

“Gentle, quiet, quirky, friendly, loving, easy-going, energetic and playful in short bursts”, describes Priya. “He’s also a good looking snooter that gets plenty of attention on walks and he laps it up.”

He is also quite adept at “stealing roast chimken by stealth… zoomies and running with other dogs at off leash beaches and parks… and roaching at night and in the morning for pats and attention”.

One of the most important things Priya and Chris learnt was the value of pet insurance.

“Percy was in and out of Macquarie Vets, mainly for various paw related injuries. We learned very quickly – get pet insurance from day one.”

“He had really delicate paws when we got him and needed booties for a while, but now he has really adapted to urban apartment living from life as a racing hound.”

Priya and Chris say Percy fit into their family dynamic really well and has become their “work from home buddy”. 

“I highly recommend rescue greyhounds for apartment living compared to other breeds. They are quiet, gentle breeds that sleep a lot.”

“Greyhound Rescue takes care in matching the right hound to the person and provides ongoing support and resources to assist you and your hound adjust to pet life.”

If there is a hound-shaped hole in your life, you can find out more about our adoption process here.

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