A Greyt Kind of Teddy

Jun 26, 2024 | Success Stories


Teddy found his forever home with Anna, her partner and two young children. 

Anna says Teddy is incredibly affectionate and loves a cuddle, occasionally doing a zoomie through the lounge room but much preferring to hang out on his bed.  

“He is my velcro hound who follows me into every room in the house,” says Anna. “And I mean every room!” 

Teddy’s favourite thing is walkies, or chewing the squeak out of the soft toys he has. He also is very food driven so meal times are always a happy time for Teddy! 

Known as Neil Young when he lived at Greysland, it’s perhaps not surprising he likes to treat his forever family with his vocal stylings. 

“He is a very vocal hound, previous hounds we’ve had have only pretty much barked 5 times in their whole life,” Anna explains. “Teddy loves to bark, he even barks at his reflection in the mirror. He sings when we get home, and we dare not go for a walk in the bush behind our house without taking him! Otherwise he lets us know of his disappointment.”

And while he does insist on waking the household up at 4.30am for his walks, he has been learning that patience is a virtue and dutifully waits another few hours. 

Anna says that Teddy breathed also life back into their elderly grey Milo. 

“Milo never really got over losing his older brother Bucky (our first rescue greyhound)… he was very sad and had anxiety. He [Teddy] has given him a renewed lease on life.” 

Anna says Teddy has fit perfectly into their family, and has a great relationship with their two young children. 

“Teddy is very tolerant of my children, he even seeks out their company and my older child dearly loves teddy and they have a beautiful bond.”

Of adopting a greyhound, Anna says “they are easy to care for, generally quiet (Teddy is an exception), and only need a short walk.”

“And they really don’t take up that much room. You get to become part of a beautiful rescue greyhound community. You also get to curate a fabulous winter wardrobe for them!”

“Greyhound Rescue could not have matched a more perfect hound for our family. I feel blessed that we got to keep Teddy and call him our own.” 

If there is a hound-shaped hole in your life, head over to our adoption page to submit your application and be matched with one of our beautiful Kennel Kids.

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