Get geared up!

Aug 3, 2021 | Adoption, Greyhound care

Greyhound Rescue Ambassador Ash London talking hound must-haves

From muzzles to martingales, there is a bit to learn about getting your new greyhound geared up and dressed for the day! Greyhounds are a bit unique physically, so making sure that you have to correct gear for them is really important.

Coats and shirts

Greyhounds have very little body fat and thin coats so it is important that they are dressed for the conditions in the chillier months. A light shirt should do the trick on a sunny winter’s day or indoors during the day, but when it’s cold outside your hound will need a thicker coat to keep them warm. You can find some options in our online shop, or when you come to collect your new addition at our Rescue Centre.

Martingale collars

Greyhounds have a head that is smaller than their neck, so they need to wear a martingale collar to ensure that their collar can’t slip off. Martingale collars should always be adjusted carefully so that they are not painful or tight, but maintain your hound’s safety. A properly fitted martingale should have three finger widths between the hardwear where the collar tightens as shown in the video. We have fun and fabulous martingales available both online and at our Rescue Centre, Greysland.


Muzzles are a really handy tool to have while your hound is getting used to their new life. They are quite used to wearing them and we will supply a properly fitted muzzle when you come to adopt your hound. In NSW, greyhounds are required by law to wear a muzzle until you have registered them to your name on the Companion Animal Register, and in off-leash areas regardless of whether they are on a lead or not. You can see in the video above that they are easy to put on and to take off once you know how. We will also demonstrate this when you come to collect your hound.

Click here to read more about bringing your greyhound home for the first time.

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