Gorgeous Zia “was always meant to be” with Jo

Jul 20, 2020 | Success Stories

Zia knew she was on to a good thing when Jo showed up to take her home on trial back in July 2017. She very happily jumped into the car without a second thought and headed off to what has proved to be an extremely happy new life in the city.

“From the moment I brought her home, it was like she was always meant to be there. She has never given me any problems.

“I can take her to pubs and cafes and outdoor cinemas and concerts. I take her to my outdoor bootcamp, and she literally curls up on a workout mat and judges our performance. She has given me focus and a reason to get up each day and a place for all my affection. She’s my bestie.

According to Jo, Zia is equal parts chill and cheeky. Some days, she can relax for 23 hours straight and then has to be dragged outside for a walk. Other days, she’s throwing her toys around and begging Jo to play.

“She loves tearing up sheets of paper and taking tissues out of a box. She makes an excellent paper shredder. I just have to be careful what paper I leave lying around – especially my marriage celebrant paperwork!

“Zia’s favourite things are the car and the beach. She loves sprinting through shallow water and on the way home putting her head out the car window when we are doing 100 kms on the highway. Then she will pass out for the next 90 minutes.

“She isn’t food focused and has never gotten into the bin or stolen food from the countertop. That being said – she does love a McDonalds ice cream cone and CANNOT be trusted with unattended cheese.

“One night a whole wheel of Brie mysteriously disappeared off a cheese board on the coffee table! She has particular tastes though – she left the blue cheese and the fruit cheeses behind for the humans to consume.

Jo says Zia is her life’s delight and not a single day goes by when someone doesn’t stop and ask Jo about Zia or about greyhounds in general.

“People think they need loads of exercise or that they are too big. They don’t and really, they aren’t!

“They work their way into your heart with their quirky personalities, grace and goofiness. Zia has ruined me for any other breed of dog.

“I’ve given up every soft surface in the house but I have the best long-nosed companion I could have ever asked for.

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